Not every question is important about every character you develop — but sometimes the commonplace, everyday questions are a good place to start. As you move through the questions, you’ll be digging deeper and deeper into what makes this person special, unique, and worth a story. If you can’t immediately answer a question, leave it blank and move on — you can always come back later, or use the worksheet again after you’ve written part of the book (especially if you think the character might be keeping secrets from you!)
- What is this person’s name?
- Why was s/he named that?
- Age? Birthday? Is s/he the sort who knows their zodiac sign?
- Where does s/he live?
- Why did s/he choose to live there?
- Does s/he live in an apartment? a house?
- Does s/he live by himself? with others?
- What kind of vehicle does s/he drive?
- What are his/her important material possessions?
- Give a brief physical description.
- What are his/her hobbies?
- What kind of music does s/he enjoy?
- Does s/he have pets?
- What are his/her favorite foods & drinks?
- If s/he has an unexpected free half-day, how does s/he spend it?
- How would a friend describe him/her?
- What is his/her education?
- What is his/her job?
- Why did s/he choose that profession?
- How does s/he feel about his work?
- What does s/he want to be doing in five years? in twenty years?
- How does s/he feel about the opposite sex?
- Why does s/he feel that way?
- Is s/he married? single? divorced?
- Does s/he have children?
- Does s/he have former lovers (or other past relationships)?
- How would a former lover describe him/her?
- Who are his/her parents?
- Does s/he have brothers and sisters?
- Where was s/he born and raised?
- How important is the family relationship to him/her?
- Who is his/her best friend? Why?
- Who is his/her worst enemy? Why?
- Which one event in his/her life has made this person what s/he is today?
- How does s/he feel about himself?
- What trait does s/he have which s/he wants to keep secret from the world?
- What does s/he like most about his/her life?
- What does s/he dislike most about his/her life?
- What one thing would s/he like to change about the world?
- What would this person die to defend?
- What is his/her most likeable character trait?
- What is his/her most unlikable or troublesome character defect?
- As the story begins, what is his/her problem?
- What does s/he do that makes this problem worse?
- What is this person’s ideal happy ending?
- What reaction do you want the reader to have to this person?
- Why should the reader care about this person?
copyright 2013 Leigh Michaels