Programs for writers:
Writing Between the Sexes
ABOUT THE WORKSHOP: Have you read a mystery where the heroine sounds like an oversexed gangster? Or a romance where the hero sounds more like a girlfriend than a man? Chances are, the oversexed heroine was created by a male author and the tender, emotional hero was created by a female author.
Men and women think, act, and talk differently – which causes problems for writers who are trying to create characters of the opposite sex.
Learn about the most common gender differences and how to use them to create believable — though not stereotypical — characters of the opposite sex. (And along the way, you may get some great ideas about how to deal with your husband, boyfriend, boss, big brother, or other assorted males. Or for the first time, understand what’s really going on inside the head of your wife, girlfriend, mom, little sister… all those women who have been confusing you.)
The Top Eleven Ways Not to Finish Your Book
ABOUT THE WORKSHOP: Out of every hundred people who want to write a book, ninety-nine never finish. What are the secret reasons why they never make it to their goal? What prevents them from moving all the way from Chapter One to The End?
To Market, To Market
ABOUT THE WORKSHOP: In today’s world, much of the work of marketing falls on the author. That’s true whether you’re aiming for the traditional publishing track or self-publishing your work. Practical ideas for selling your book to publishers and to readers.
Writing the Effective Query Letter
ABOUT THE WORKSHOP: While successful query letters have certain things in common, they also each stand alone, apart from the crowd of unsuccessful ones. They have that certain something that sets them apart, that captures the editor’s or agent’s imagination — what editor Jane Friedman calls “the sizzle”. This workshop explains why some query letters fail — and uses those lessons to make your query better.
Things that Stump the Best of Us
ABOUT THE WORKSHOP: Boring backstory, ponderous pacing, and troublesome transitions form a trio of storytelling trouble that haunts writers even when we know our characters backwards. What does the reader need to know right now? What comes next? What bit of information should be included in this sentence, or on this page? And what should be held back till the next page, or chapter – or left out altogether?
Characters Who Keep Secrets
ABOUT THE WORKSHOP: Can a point of view character keep a big secret from the reader, while still being sympathetic and convincing? Yes, but here’s how to handle secrets when your main characters can’t – or won’t – share their hidden stories with the reader.
Writer’s Block is a GOOD Thing!
ABOUT THE WORKSHOP: Sometimes getting stuck means your gut is telling you there’s a problem with your story, or your process. We’ll go over a checklist for figuring out what the hangup is and how to get past it and back to work.
Additional programs are available.
Speaking fees are negotiable. All reasonable expenses (including ticket/mileage, hotel, and basic meals) must be covered by the sponsoring group.